Sunday, 20 April 2014

The Weekend Post: Vogue In The Sunshine

I am currently lying in the sun, Vogue is open on my lap, my book is to the left of me and my iPod is playing. I am well and truly relaxed. Before those in the UK get excited don't get your hopes up, there's no heat wave yet. I am actually in Tenerife! The grey skies and endless days of wearing jeans were taking its toll and it is so nice to escape the dull weather for a  while. This trip has been getting me through the past few months. Ever since January when it was booked I have been counting down the days when I can lounge around by the pool and wear shorts and skirts without the risk of freezing. I wore shorts for the first time yesterday since, I'd say they were last worn in September. That was a whopping 8 months ago!

I started the day off how it should start, with fruit, frozen yoghurt and pancakes (drenched in chocolate sauce, bien sur). And I've been lazing on this sun lounger for the past few hours now. Lunch is the next stop. For now though I'm going to get back to reading Vogue (read: skimming the articles and studying the makeup on each model, as you do). Buenos Dias! 

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