Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Life In Action #1

Some of my artwork from over the years

I am naturally quite a creative person. And then A-levels came along and my academic education seemed to take over.  So for the past few years it has had to take a backseat in my life. And to be quite frank I didn't really know how to get back into it. Up until a couple of months ago I had a few more years of academia ahead of me. And then I somehow navigated myself into a bit of a dark place for a while. But there is light at the end of the tunnel now.

I have set my sights on a career.  Something that actually makes me excited. The fact that I could actually be a part of this industry is unbelievably exciting for me! Researching different places and courses where I can learn these skills has given me a new lease of life. A sense of direction which I was lacking. A sense of direction. In a direction that I want to go in. It hasn't been influenced by other people's belief's or society. It is my choice.  And that for me has been a fresh but scary experience.  In these times up until a certain age there are a multitude of things that are expected of you. There is an invisible path for you to lead.  And breaking against that was incredibly hard. Probably more than anyone I know realised. But I'm coming out of the other end of the tunnel and there's some light out there. Shining brightly down on this earth. Guiding me down a new path. Made especially for me.

And I have somehow managed to find a job to bridge the gap between the two. It's not the average waitressing job which I expected to find myself in. I'm surrounded by other people who share the same creative spark. People who are inspired by life around them. And that is all I need right now. Up until life changes up a gear.  When it does, I'll be ready for it.

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