Wednesday, 28 January 2015

A (belated) hello to 2015

So I am aware that we have almost reached the end of January and I am yet to acknowledge the start of a new year but here I am.... hello 2015! Although I am ready to welcome the new year in it also brings about a sense of the unknown (again). This is exactly how I started 2014 so I feel like I am more prepared but that doesn't make it any more daunting. I have come so far in the past year, more than I could have ever imagined to be possible. Although I have few plans set in stone for this year I do have a goal, a dream, something to aspire to and that is what is going to keep me going. I was wandering around Covent Garden, London the other day and quickly popped into a Paperchase there. I picked up these post cards which I am going to put up somewhere visible in my room as a reminder to myself that things will work out. The unknown is only scary if you let it be.